How to Draw a Guinea Pig Step by Step TUTORIAL

Have you e'er wanted to know how to depict a guinea hog? If the answer is yes, then y'all accept come to the correct identify! Whether you have had a pet republic of guinea pig or not, y'all cannot deny their sweet charm. These furry creatures are very friendly and full of life. They also make fantastic subjects to draw. In this easy-to-follow cartoon tutorial, we show you how to construct, item, and colour a realistic guinea hog sketch. Gather your supplies, become into something comfortable, and let us get started!

Table of Content

  • 1 A Pace-by-Step Guinea Hog Drawing Tutorial
    • one.1 Pace 1: Amalgam the Main Torso of Your Guinea Pig Sketch
    • 1.2 Step ii: Amalgam the Head of Your Guinea Pig Drawing
    • 1.iii Step 3: Constructing the Ears of Your Guinea Pig Sketch
    • 1.4 Stride 4: Constructing the Feet
    • i.5 Stride 5: Constructing the Face of Your Guinea Pig Sketch
    • i.6 Step 6: Drawing the Last Outline of the Guinea Pig's Head
    • 1.7 Step seven: Drawing the Final Outline of the Guinea Squealer's Body
    • 1.viii Step eight: Drawing the Guinea Grunter's Facial Features
    • 1.9 Step 9: Drawing Fur Throughout Your Guinea Grunter'due south Body
    • 1.10 Footstep ten: Adding the First Coat of Colour
    • 1.11 Step xi: Calculation Some Light Contouring
    • 1.12 Pace 12: Calculation the Second Coat of Color
    • 1.thirteen Step 13: Adding Shading to Your Guinea Squealer Sketch
    • one.xiv Step 14: Coloring the Details in Your Guinea Squealer Drawing
    • 1.15 Step 15: Finalizing Your Guinea Squealer Sketch
  • 2 Oftentimes Asked Questions
    • 2.1 Is It Difficult to Create a Republic of guinea Pig Sketch?
    • 2.2 How Tin I Go the Proportions Correct in My Guinea Sus scrofa Cartoon?

A Step-by-Step Guinea Squealer Drawing Tutorial

For this cartoon tutorial, you have the freedom to use any medium you cull, as long equally you have colors. Y'all can utilise any type of pigment, colored pencil, or a graphics tablet. This tutorial is ideal for artists of any level. We cover all the basics of how to draw a guinea squealer that is realistic.

This tutorial offers an exploration of perspective, as we are cartoon a guinea pig in a twisted position. We need to pay attention to this perspective when amalgam each chemical element of this guinea squealer cartoon, from the caput, to the ears and toes.

We brainstorm past using construction lines to map out the basic shape and perspective of the guinea sus scrofa drawing and then nosotros continue to create realistic fur detailing. Finally, we use our coloring medium to add colour and dimension to your republic of guinea sus scrofa sketch. At the end of this tutorial, you will take had in-depth do with creating perspective, and the run a risk to hone your optics for detail.

Pace 1: Constructing the Main Torso of Your Republic of guinea Pig Sketch

In the kickoff step of this tutorial, you are going to use a unproblematic construction shape to lay the foundations for the chief trunk of your guinea pig drawing. For this guinea pig cartoon, y'all can use a elementary, horizontal oval shape to correspond the main role of the torso.

Brand sure that you draw this construction oval in the very center of your canvas, leaving plenty of space on all sides for the other parts of the guinea pig's trunk.

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Step two: Constructing the Head of Your Guinea Pig Drawing

If you plough back to the finished sketch, you will see that we are drawing the republic of guinea sus scrofa from the front. Because of this perspective, nosotros are going to describe the guinea hog's whole face. You lot tin can use a very squat oval to lay the foundations for the guinea pig's head, and the majority of this oval should overlap with the main body oval.

The guinea hog is at an angle, with its back to the right of your canvas. To capture this perspective, the head oval should sit in the left 2/3rds of the main body oval.

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Stride 3: Constructing the Ears of Your Guinea Hog Sketch

In this third step, we need to lay downwardly the shape of the guinea pig'southward ears to emphasize the perspective. On the left side of the republic of guinea squealer's head, describe a fairly long and floppy ear, that ends on the side of the body oval. You can begin the top of the other ear at the same level as the start, but yous can make this ear more rectangular and ending on the side of the head oval.

The reason for this difference in shape is the slight tilt in the guinea pig's head, that hides part of the right ear.

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Stride iv: Constructing the Feet

Once over again, the perspective of our drawing dictates the way that nosotros are going to construct the guinea sus scrofa's feet.

The first thing to note is that the back pes on our left is not visible from this perspective, and the second is that the three visible feet face the left side of the canvas.

Let us begin with the left front foot, which is the nigh visible of all iii feet. Offset from simply below the left point of the body oval, taking a curved like out and down, earlier sweeping forward and back upward to create a foot. You can use a small uneven oval shape directly below the center of the head oval and overlapping with the bottom of the trunk oval, to represent the other front foot. For the final back leg, take a curved line down from the back of the torso oval and then create a paw shape that overlaps with the body oval.

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Step 5: Amalgam the Face of Your Guinea Hog Sketch

In this tutorial, we are drawing the guinea pig'due south whole face, merely information technology is at a slight angle. In order to get all of the facial features the right size and in the correct identify, nosotros are going to begin by using some construction lines to plan out the face.

Begin past cartoon a unmarried vertical line through the guinea pig's head. This line should cross through the fundamental indicate of both the summit and bottom of the head oval, simply it should curve to the correct. Next, depict a horizontal line that begins depression and curves upwardly just below the lesser of both ears. Draw some other ii curved horizontal lines towards the bottom of the head construction oval.

These lesser 2 lines should be closer together, equally these are going to aid you lot draw the nose and rima oris in the next few steps.

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Step vi: Drawing the Final Outline of the Guinea Pig'south Head

It is time to begin using all the construction lines that y'all have drawn to create the terminal outline of your guinea hog sketch. Although you are creating the final outline, this should non be a unmarried line. Instead, use short strokes to outline the caput, giving the impression of fur. Begin at the center of the head and make sure that the fur strokes menstruation outwards abroad from this center line on both sides. You can use single smooth lines to outline the ears, adding a picayune fold in each.

Y'all will see in our example below that we accept not stuck closely to the construction oval. Do not exist afraid to add together lumps and bumps to make your drawing more natural and realistic.

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Step seven: Cartoon the Terminal Outline of the Guinea Pig's Trunk

In much the aforementioned fashion that we outlined the head in the last pace, employ short hair-like strokes to outline the rest of the republic of guinea pig's body. The just smooth areas should be the anxiety, where y'all tin add in some toe ornamentation.

For the greatest sense of realism, use the curvature of the guinea pig'south trunk to assistance you draw the hairlines in the correct direction. For example, yous want the fur to menstruum outwards and down the guinea pig's back.

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Step 8: Drawing the Republic of guinea Sus scrofa's Facial Features

In this footstep, you are going to use the construction lines in the face to add together the facial details. Yous are going to utilise these lines to help you draw the eyes, olfactory organ, and rima oris.

Begin past using the tiptop construction line as the center signal for the 2 optics. Use an oval shape that slants to the correct to create the left eye and a one-half circumvolve for the right middle. Add some fur strokes effectually these eyes and a few additional rings to add depth.

Remember to exit a small blank space in each eye to represent the reflection in the iris.

For the nostrils, use the center horizontal structure line as your basis, and add together one nostril on either side of the cardinal construction line. Add together a footling line of fur details above the nostrils, and you can add together whiskers all around the nose. Finally, use the bottom horizontal line to draw three curved lines to create the mouth. Add a petty mentum line below the oral fissure too.

When y'all are happy with your face details, you tin can erase any remaining structure lines.

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Stride 9: Cartoon Fur Throughout Your Guinea Squealer's Body

Although this stride is very easy, it is also quite time-consuming. Information technology is best non to blitz the procedure, as the more fourth dimension you take the neater the stop event volition be. Begin past drawing both directly and curved hairlines from around the nose. These hairs should go outwards in all directions, following the curvature of the guinea pig's face up. Equally you get to the republic of guinea pig's body, yous can utilise slightly longer hairlines. Leave the ears, olfactory organ, mouth, and anxiety articulate from hair.

Throughout this footstep, make sure that you are following the curvature of the guinea squealer's body. Yous can get out piddling gaps throughout the hair equally you tin can run into in the example below considering these volition help you lot place highlights later.

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Footstep 10: Adding the Offset Coat of Colour

In order to achieve realistic coloring, you need to build up the color in a few steps. In this outset coloring step, use a very lite shade of brown or caramel to add a base colour to the entirety of your guinea hog drawing. You lot want this coat to be every bit polish equally possible.

You are, of course, welcome to brand your republic of guinea pig any color yous like. Which ever color you cull to employ, this first colour should be very low-cal as nosotros are going to add darker colors in the side by side few steps.

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Stride 11: Adding Some Low-cal Contouring

In this step, notice a calorie-free black paint and apply it to lightly add together a touch of shading effectually the frame of the guinea squealer'due south body. Focus this shading around the guinea pig's eyes, the bottom of the head, and around the bottom of the guinea pig'due south body. Give the ears some other coat of light chocolate-brown.

Call up to go on this shading lite, as it is difficult to remove information technology but e'er easy to add more if necessary.

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Step 12: Adding the 2d Glaze of Colour

For the second color coat, yous need a vibrant white shade. You lot are going to add this white to the center of the guinea pig'south face, and all around its cheeks. You can also add a stripe of white down the republic of guinea hog's chest, and utilise it to highlight the lines you left in the hair detailing. .

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Step 13: Adding Shading to Your Guinea Grunter Sketch

In this footstep, you are going to apply a touch of black once again to retouch the contouring you did in the terminal shading step. Very gently, add more shading effectually the base of the ears, below the head, and around the feet.

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Step 14: Coloring the Details in Your Guinea Pig Drawing

For this step, you are going to demand a light pinkish shade, black, and white to colour your details. Brainstorm with a precipitous brush and add a dab of your white shade to the reflection in each eye. Next, use a pocket-sized brush to add your light pinkish to the nose and mouth area of your republic of guinea pig drawing. Y'all can add a 2d coat of this pink down the center of the nose and in the mouth, and add some black to the nostrils.

Finally, you tin can paint the bottom of the paws with this pink shade, blending it upward into your other colors.

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Step 15: Finalizing Your Guinea Squealer Sketch

In this final step, you lot are going to trace some of your fur strokes with light gray pigment to make them appear more than natural. You tin also remove the outline of your drawing past painting it over with the corresponding color. These terminal touches will drag your guinea sus scrofa drawing, making information technology expect more realistic and natural.

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Congratulations for coming to the end of this in-depth guinea pig cartoon tutorial. We promise that you accept enjoyed experimenting with perspective and adding details, and that y'all at present feel more confident planning and executing drawings of all kinds.

how to draw a guinea pig

Oft Asked Questions

Is It Difficult to Create a Guinea Pig Sketch?

Learning how to describe a guinea pig is no more difficult than drawing any other animal. In fact, thanks to their fairly unproblematic shape, guinea pigs can make great subjects for those who are new to animal drawing.

How Can I Get the Proportions Correct in My Republic of guinea Grunter Cartoon?

For all of our animal drawing tutorials, we ever begin by using construction lines and shapes. Structure lines are the best manner to make sure that you accept got the proportions and dimensions spot on earlier you commencement adding details. There is nothing worse than creating a beautifully intricate drawing of the head, and then finding that yous have not left enough space for the trunk.


How to Draw a Guinea Pig Step by Step TUTORIAL

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